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Arby I want to build cool stuff.
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[DRAFT] Risk profiles of ERC721 non-fungible tokens as collateral within MCD

August 24
Oracle issues - Existing OSM structure allows for price manipulation attacks for certain collections due to NFT collections’ sizes and volatility. NFT pricing oracles have not been sufficiently proven yet (JPEG’d oracles seem to be the best at present).
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Designing a new Foundry logo

June 07
I like Foundry a lot. The current Foundry logo is straight outta royalty-free-clip-art-dot-com. Let's make something awesome!

Roots.onion: A proposal for a long-form markdown publishing site for interaction with Lens Protocol's social graphs to facilitate censorship resistant journalism.

May 02
This is a writeup on a theoretical site I propose for Lens Protocol to eventually introduce as part of their wider initiatives to create a distributed and varied social network. This product would provide a link between Tor (.onion) services and the social graph (the Lens plant). Both of these plants share roots as a component and the word root has been assigned meaning in technical fields over the years. I like the name roots.

WTF is a reentrancy attack and how do I prevent it?

May 01
They’re here and they’re here to stay, so let’s learn to design around them.

Preface: Setting up a working environment using Foundry

April 28
This writeup is a continuation of my last post, where I go into how I am creating a full stack DApp within 30 days. This section will cover what I am using to build my DApp (specifically the Solidity parts).

NoFaceDev's Markdown Resume

April 28
This resume was written using markdown. I am willing to reveal my identity as part of the hiring process if required.